here is the survey i will upload the base as well thanks so much
ok thanks here is the survey as well as the pgd sheet
i have downloaded a few enablers but the ? is why on some sheets does it show up and others it dosent. Nothing to do with layers on or off xref layers on or off etc i checked all of that. is there a setting i dont know about perhaps?
thanks again
what is weird is they are on in the survey and yet in some drawings they are on say the utility plan, dimension plan, but where i need it in the grading plan it dosent show. I have asked everyone in my company all 45 designers and cadd people and know one can figure this out!!!
Ok i am working in autocad ldd 2004. This is crazy stuff here. When i open a survey with contours i can see it no problem. But when i xref that survey into a base drawing they are gone. Even if i copy the contours from the survey and put this into my base it dosent appear. Any ideas? I am dying...