In elasto-plastic modeling , we need data like this :
yield stress(or strenght.any difference?) plastic strain temperature
what is plastic strain?at yield plastic deformation begins so at yield plastic strain is zero (Abaqus ask to set the first plastic strain to...
Is it possible to find the total temperature gradient of plate after welding?
i want to find entropy generation of plate versus time and then integrating on total time,finding total entropy of plate.
entropy is (heat flux/temp.)
but abaqus output is nodal or element temp. or heat flux.
is it possible to solve quasi-steady state problem with abaqus?
if i solve the problem in steady-state manner( in "step" , mark "steady state" instead of "transient"), density and Cp are ignored and it soves it as a complete steady problem([k]{T}=0)
how is it possible to solve this form ...
i checked that
steady-state has no problem (effect of density and Cp is ignored and everything will be ok-heat is conducted through plate with no resistanse)
thanks a lot again
i will check this topic
if you found something, i will be glad (so glad! :)) to know ...
i used data for steel 304l from an article. temperature variation at points 3mm , 8mm , ... , 23 mm was checked in that article for plat 200mm*200mm*3mm .
i validated the method in this points by changing a,b,cr,cf of heat source (which are near weld line)
but when i check temp at points more...
thanks a lot corus for your responses
the dimension .12 m is correct ...
did you checked the dflux code? was any problems there?
if we make a,b,cr,cf so small,temp. on weldline goes up (700 or more). it is more than melting point.but just centerline senses this variation.temp. on weldline goes...
to mrgolthrope :
thanks for your suggestion. I have 3D model and all dimensions in m . 0.5*0.5*.005 m plate
to corus :
i have read many papers (steel and aluminium).you are right.some of them report conciderable temperature drop from weld line.but we are engineers.we cant tell lie to...
question 1 :
make the parameters a,b,cf,cr so small (concentrating the heat source)- the temperature of weld line raise to 2500c.but no change to the temperature of the points near the side or in the middle of semi-plate.
question 2 :
make the input power 10times greater (for example...
dear corus
i did what you said (as you have done) and as you said there is no difference. i called one of my friends who worked weld modeling by Ansys.
he said he had some problems like this in points near the sides (far from weld line). but not such an error !
it is really unacceptable for...
it is about 10 days that i am checking different possibilities ...
i used finer mesh and submmit
i deactivated radiation and submit
i used less 'h' = about 2.5-9 and submmit
but just temperature along weld line changes
max temperature of nodes in transverse direction dont increase as much as it...
excatly this is the problem !
on the weld line and distanses about .05 m from it (transverse direction), temperature is sensed and it is ok . but as you see nodes further from this distance dont sense any temp change.
as an example :
from an experimental work , temp. of point...
i changed it to 1
no difference
load is user defined - dflux -
i am realy confused - when i change k from 222 to 2220 , or changing density from 2710 to 2.7 , heat transfers to the further elements and they sense the moving heat source
but with real data of aluminium 1100 , no conduction to...
and this is .cae
i will check what you said ....
i will become thankful of you so much if you check these files
best regards sirhttp://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=75cd4bbc-8396-435a-969f-78f15f581000&file=model_1_-_temperature.cae
i checked units many times
aluminium 1100 :
density = 2710 kg/m3
k= 220 w/m.c (varies with temp)
h = 25 w/m2.c
Cp= order 900 j/kg.c
dimensions : .5 m * .5 m * .005 m
Q= n VI w
it is about 10 days that i am checking units and values !!!
please help
what is happening that i cant find it...
i am working on modeling tig arc welding of thin aluminum plate (simple but weld). i have done this :
1.writing fortran code -dflux- for moving double ellipsoid heat source
2.create part (a .5 m *.5 m square with thickness .005 m)
3. define material (temperature dependent k,density,Cp,...)...