Hello, I have a report on the balancing disk damage on the KSB pumps. We finally got a resolution on this last week and here is basically what was going on as I understand it.
The plant was originally built to operate as a base load unit but in reality it was being operated more as a peaking...
Hi, the plant is operated base load so load, flow fluctuations would be minimal.
The Recirc Valve returns to the LP drum. I don't know the flow but I will ask.
Valve control is typically slow acting and I am unsure if this is the case at this plant. This is one of the items they will be...
-JJPellin and Checman,
The "spill back" or return flow from the balance disc returns to the suction nozzle, ~30 gpm. Total pump flow is ~2,000 gpm. The return line and cavities have been check for debris or plugging, no problems have been noticed.
We should know a little more tomorrow. As...
Hi, I am involved in this in a peripheral way and RLee is headed back out to the job site again. KSB was first on the contact list and at this point they are pretty much scratching their heads too. There has been no solution so far.
The odd thing with this is the total trashing of the balance...