Sorry about that.
I didn't want to sent the post like that,
I got called away from by desk any way.
I have 6 gel cells at 12 v each for a 24v system.
How do I get the PLC to "read" the voltage like a fuel gage.
Later JeReMy
Thanks for the help.
I am designing a machine with a touch screen and a PLC.
There are 3 24 volt motor and 2 12 volt motors.
I would like to run the unit on 6 gel cel batteries.
The question is I need to have a "Fuel Gage" and/or a charger than can talk to the plc.
Later JeReMy
Thank you for your help and I feel odd asking such a simple question.
1) Open vault for the first time.
2) RMC Add file Battery box assy.iam
3) Press OK, Then some box with Relationships and Inventor add-in I pressed YES.
4) RMC Copy Design
ERROR File Cannot Be copied
Could not locate...