I sure have on a few occasions, yet I must say that it is a difficult conversation to have. I don't want to be a whiner, yet at the same time I want to make sure my career goes where I want to take it. It is very aggravating in that having been flexible and gone off and learned a lot of other...
While I see your point here the issue I am having is that my career is being pushed into a becoming a half assed software/networking engineer. Sure the steam era may be gone but we sure do have a lot of cutting edge mechanical engineering work where I work that fits my skills, goals, talents and...
First off I have been a contributing member over the years here but had to make a new screen name as I made the error of using my real name or part of it as my original handle.
None the less, I currently find myself in one heck of a career predicament. My whole life I wanted to be either a...