Here is a pic of new cross sections... I am assuming that the upstream channel will T into the bridge, creating backwater, which will just queue until it can go over road or under bridge. Is this what you guys were talking about. I was confused because drew seemed to indicate removing the...
Thanks for the help... What I am looking at is a lateral structure downstream with a TW at the first upstream bridge section. This seems to be working (whether or not it is correct I do not know.) I am starting with 1400 cfs, 925 goes under the bridge, and the difference is being added back...
Here is an aerial shot. Does this help? Also Am I correct that a lateral weir dowwnstream could have a negative flow, thus allowing backe dup water from upstream to move downstream (TW to HW of weir)? Or would HEC RAS lose this flow since it computes from Downstream to Upstream?
Just an EIT...
So originally I did the model with water flowing the wrong way (rookie mistake... feel sheepish :) ) This is my geometry, but the arrows should go the other way. Water is flowing south to north, not as indicated on the picture. The left branch is a dummy branch I used to pick up the weir flow...
I am thinking about these ideas... The problem I have with your idea (gbam), and I am not very experienced in HEC RAS so I'm not sure this matters, is that there is no discernable second channel for the water to take. I am familiar with split flow optimization, but it isn't like a second...
I am modeling a stream that goes under a bridge at a skew and then takes a hard left turn and runs parallel to the road. The bridge is higher than the roadway, so the water will back up behind the bridge opening and then spill over the road, but not overtop the bridge. When it does this it...