I am planning to run a drivabilily analysis for monotube pile using GRLWEAP. The soil profile is as follows:
0-25 ft: soft to stiff silty clay/lean clay
25-50 ft: meduin dense to dense silt/sand,
50-120 ft: primarily dense to very dense sand with some pockets of medium dense sand/silt,
I am involved in drilled shaft design where the shaft will resist both torsion and axial load in addition to the moment from overhead cantilever sign structure. The shaft will be supported in medium dense silty sand/sandy silt soils. Anyone have any idea how to verify the stability against...
FHWA SA-02-054 (Geotechnical Engineering Circular No. 6) states on Page 62 that "The simultaneous application of shape and load inclination fators can result in an overly conservative design. Henceforth, the inclination factor will be ommitted in calculation of bearing capacity". Does anyone...
I would like to buy papers from International Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. Wondering if anyone knows any web address or other sources. Thanks.
I have a situation where a cantilever retaining wall will retain a roadway on rock slope. The retaining wall will be supported on existing fill of good quality on slope. The heel is touching the rock slope. The slope is 3H:1V away from the wall. Since sheeting will be used during construction...