Thank you so much for your input.I was suspicious of the Fluke and resorted to my antique "Simpson".It indicated severely diminished readings and with a load of virtually any dimension my readings are virtually zero.It was perplexing but I am content with these findings.Thanks so very much. Eldon
I have a perplexing dilemma.I have a control system,120 volt,about 24 conductors in a single conduit.This system is fed with a 120 volt UPS system.The conduit run is about 40 feet.Conductor size is #14 awg.In this conduit are a #12 bond,four neutrals and 19 conductors some energized and some not...
I greatly appreciate your replies folks.My current clamps are oriented with an arrow pointing in direction of load and instrument will flag incorrect installation at beginning of recording if incorrect.The recorder also has the circuit configuration in the set up program in this case 3phase four...
Our thermography dept. recently brought my attention to a 45 KVA
600v Delta:600/347v Wye Dry Core transformer regarding excessive heating.I did a power survey with a Northwood Interlogger.Results showed slightly low voltage to ground consistent at about 332 volts.Current was pretty much balanced...