Thanks, does underfiling makes the performance better? according to standard Z138 what kind of under-filing is suitable? b=(1/2)U, 1/3(U),OR (2/3)U? (U= width of vane trailing edge before machining, b= width of vane trailing edge after...
I am not piroting, the company itself has given us the actual pump and its documents, and I am working on my own new design. Thats not piroting.
Thanks for your responses, the blue curve relates to an actual pump of one of the pump manufacturing companies ( the blue curve is taken from the catalogue of that company) but the red curve relates to the pump that the hydraulic of it ( impeller and casing) is designed from the base by...
Pump size: discharge: 100 mm,impeller diameter:225mm , the hydraulic of the pump is designed recently and the pump is new, the material of the casing is GG25, the impeller is made by 3D printer and its material is teflon (Abs)in order to test it.
@ tennypeny
Thanks for your response,by changing which parameters of the existing impeller can make the charactristic curves better ( near to desired curve)?
The blue curve is the standard curve and I want the red curve reach to the blue curve. the red curve is achieved from the test of the designed impeller. I want the head increse in BEP and overload flows.and the efficiency increase around the BEP.
The impeller is in full diameter and...
I want to modify a pump charactristic curve which is gained from the experimental test.the head at shutoff is higher than the desired curve (required curve)but at bep and over bep flows the head is smaller.and the curve is steep. what shall I do in order to increase the head at BEP and at...