The tech support converted one from 2010 to 2005 for us without warning that anything adverse would happen. But the person we are getting the 2010 files from is saying that there are problems using the two versions together.
If we have a GRLWEAP file that is produced in GRLWEAP 2010 version, is there a problem saving that file (converting) to a 2005 version and using it in GRLWEAP 2005 version? We already got a patch for the hammer that was not in the 2005 version. Any help would be appreciated.
maybe I should have mentioned it will not actually perform as a column, but one of many independant piles strung together with horizontal wale beams. For a fender system design to resist forces from a vessel. So no axial load (besides self weight).
I think I(transformed) = I(pipe)*Es/Ec +...
I need to know how to calculate the transposed moment of intertia for a steel pipe pile, filled with reinforced concrete that will be laterally loaded (will have flexure). I have tried n=Es/Ec, then n*As=(pi/4)*(Dtr^2 - D^2) to get the Dtr (transposed diam). then using Dtr to calculate Itr...