Thanks for the comments guys!
To expand further I am looking for a procedure for UT Reference Points on Straight Pipe/Pipeworks. As stated by (DCASTO) Elbows, lows, etc are obvious UT Points
Whilst I appreciate that product, system, and risk are all variables in the selection of UT Points...
I am presently writing a procedure for UT Wall Thickness Reference Points.
Searching the web and professional sites, I couldn't find any documentation on this subject.
I have asked many large Oil/Gas Operators if they had a draft of any sort procedure - None seem to exist!!?
OK So I have a...
Hey Guys! Cool Down....
I understand very clearly the implications, experience etc.. of these equations!
All I requested was the basic equation.
I need to double verify the equation in the software design code.
Presently, for example, I have four different equations for Wall Thickness on...