why is the room required to have a ceiling???""
To provide a Smokeproof enclosure??
detectors are located aprox 3ft from the exterior wall on the lower portion of the Pitched roof."" I have attach a Picture of the Building (small dots), I hope this helps.
does nto sound right, but would...
One room aprox 600sqft has an open ceiling to the rest of the facility with smoke detectors on the lowest portion of the pitched roof.""""
are you saying that if I stand in this room and look up I see the building pthe pitched roof????
Yes, you would see the pitched roof
and not sure where...
I have a Steel building with a pitched roof Aprox 12000 Spft office space (normal interior construction)throughout the facility. The entire building with the exeption of one room has lowered ceilings with smoke alarms attached. One room aprox 600sqft has an open ceiling to the rest of the...