The abrasive media is frac sand. Fortunately, frac sand is roughly spherical, so it is somewhat less aggressive than if it was angular. The wear areas will be subjected to more or less a continuous shot-peen. Still, it can wash out valve internals sometimes in hours or even minutes.
Thanks Weldstan- Unfortunately I can't go that route for 2 reasons, either of which is not acceptable. !. ASME does not allow welding on a vessel which has been PWHT. All welding must be completed prior to PWHT. Secondly, the vessel is too small for access after it is welded. In the past, I have...
I will be welding an AR plate, 500 Brinnell on a wear surface inside a pressure vessel.
Due to thickness, I am required to PWHT the vessel per ASME to approximately 100 F for 1.5 hours.
How will this affect the abrasion resistance of my wear surface.