I think Jbartos was correct This thread would have been unnecessary if WR^2 (GD^2) were known.
The integration of 1/MT - LT has been completed and all I need is a means of obtaining the WR^2 value, or a totally different means of finding the acceleration time without using the inertia values
O.k. let me phrase it this way. I know the motor rating from the name plate value, and I have the curves from an analysis completed by some one else.
If I obtain the max inertia value from the NEMA tables listed above, I would have to scale it down to a reasonable value. Would the amount of...
I like Shortstub idea of using sets of performance data to find the inertia value,
But using this idea yields only the motor inertia, I require the load as well
Any suggestions???
In addition you quote the 3 second figure for a random motor but that is the range I am looking at do you have...
Thanks very much electricpete and Ukpete both your suggestions are very helpful,
Couple of questions on electricpete suggestion:
1.In the load estimation equation what is the +A?
2. Do the inertia estimation equations still work if I convert to SI units ie rad/sec and watts, instead of RPM...
Yes thanks for that, Unfortunately I do not have the j value for the motor or the load, all I have is the KW rating the various torque values.
Why integrate between 0 and 2*pi*final speed ,and not just the 0 – final speed
Hello All
I have bit of a problem
I have two torque speed curves, one showing the motor torque the other load torque. But I need to find the Acceleration time; I have the true torque values along each line in n-m and the speed in rad/s. In addition I have the kW rating of the motor. But I do...