Thanks a lot John, I went in and changed the neck chamfer in the clearance hole in the custom fit menu and now my counterbored general hole works too, KInda screwy huh? but everything works so I'm soooo happy.
Thanks again.
petulf, you saved my life. I turned it n the other day when doing something large to take the heat off of my graphics card and never turned itt off.
thanks very much
not to be redundant but is there a setting that would cause faces to be visible from one side but not the other, when i rotate the faces disappear, HELP!!!!
I tried last night but when i uploaded to it froze i will try again now. thanx for your help i tried two sided light no dice. it still freezes at your file is being uploaded.
after I import or open this igs file unless i check knit surfaces in advanced options faces appear and disappear depending on which side they are viewed from. if i check knit surfaces then i cannot delete individual faces to facilitate cutting of the inside faces. is their a setting i...
when machining cavities using cavity milling i:e half a round with a ballnose end mill smaller than the round i am machining how do i control the depth to go all the way to the bottom?