I have some parts that have been nickel plated. There is an obvious difference in the shine of the parts from different batches. Some have a bright glossy nickel finish and some from another batch have a duller, almost matte-like finish. What kind of spec can I put on a drawing to control the...
I am looking for the minimum bend radius of Stainless 305. Sheet thickness is .008". I want to do ~200 degree bend.
Does anyone have a formula? I was looking in the Machinery Handbook but couldn't find it.
Thanks in advance.
Problem is that all I have is the drill. No drawings, no dimensions, etc.
IRStuff is on the right track... Based on the power and current that is drawn from the drill I can get a rough idea of the surface area as compared to a stock cylinder and make comparisons.
I am trying to work this...
I am performing some electro-chemical etch tests on drills and it would be beneficial for me to be ble to determine the actual surface area of a 1/4" Jobber drill. I suppose that I could look up the drill dimensions and apply lots of geometry. Does anyone know of an easier/faster way to...