Thanks for the reply!
I am planning on using 23 50F NessCaps rated at 2.7V (Digikey part# 589-1004-ND). I needed it to be above 56V and couldn't store more than 4kJ (competition rule).
You make it sound as if I do not need resistors, and that simply wiring these guys up is series is enough...
I'm currently on a team that is building a beam powered (light) robot for a competition. We are moving away from the spotlights, so as the distance increases there will be less power coming off the panels. To help offset this we want to put a capacitor bank onboard to store excess energy...
Thanks for the reply. Just a few specifics to see if it changes the answer...
We are talking about 8.85 ft-lbs for 60 seconds. This would be on about 600 watts electrical power (or less). I guess my main question is, in this particular situation, would a brushless make that much of a...
I know that there is a point at which the brushless become more efficient but I don't know where that point is. I've heard often in the 2kW range, but I have yet to see any hard numbers or proof. Does 2kW sound right? Is there more involved? We're looking at running at 24V, if that makes any...
I have been told it is a frangibolt (sp?). Basically it heats a special bolt until it snaps off.
The super capacitor looks really promising. Does anybody know if they are space rated? And how can I tell if they are capable of putting out the current I need?
Also, an update, I was informed...
The power is needed to open a sealed door once the satellite is in orbit. It will piggyback with another satellite (hence its small size), and we will draw power from the mother satellite. We can use no more than 1A at 12VDC, and our computers need more than .7W so we are looking for an...
I need a battery that can provide 11.3W at 12VDC for less than a second, and it only needs to be used once. It will be used on a sattelite, so it needs to be able to survive the trip. Also size and mass area a huge factor, we are working on only a 4"x8" board and it is nearly full.