Hello everyone
Many days ago, I was trying to reproduce an analysis that was made with ANSYS about a bolted union, basically a base and a column(image1), and finally I got some results that are really close.
1 206.48 205.6
Hello everybody:
I have been develop a mode-base steady-state analysis to find the absolute and relative displacement in mechanical elements but i don't know why in the results the absolute and relative response are the same.
Does any body knows what is the problem?
Here is the code...
Hello everybody:
I have been develop a program to understand the base motion in mechanical elements,but i have some questions about my program, i'm not sure about it, because i don't know if there is a correct for 1 DOF and MDOF, i'm not sure about the result and if are correct or if i should...
Hello everybody:
I have been working with a base motion of a simple cantilever beam. I'm studying the relative displacement of this element, but the results are strange. I make an harmonic excitation at the base, and I supposed that the relative response at the tip should be my harmonic...
Hello everybody:
I'm working with a base motion, exactly with an harmonic and non harmonic excitation, the input in the harmonic motion is assumed by a displacement, and I found the response, but I think it was just coincidence because I don't know what's the importance in the relation between...