To exactly help you.
We need to know what licenses you are working with.
If you don't have WAVE LICENSE, then large assemblies, proximity parts, wave, and link exterior may not be available.
If you don't want to break your head over all those stuff.
I can suggest a quick method, but I...
COMPONENT GROUPS: SELECT 2 or more objects and right click on them in Assembly NAvigator. from the top 3 or 4 if you see COMPONENTS GROUPS. Then you can make one. IF not it will not show up.
Reference sets: Light weight will be only for visual. If you need to change any properties, we need...
I don think we can mirror a property of any feature with parameters ON.
Ex: If a spline has points x30 y10 z12 we cant do a mirror of it as x-30 y-10 or z-12.
With any of the ways its not possible.
However you can mirror your CYS DATUM itself for the new part. So that when...
What version of NX are you talking about?
Do you get a "show light weight" on the part when you right click on the part in Assembly Navigator.
We can work around if you do not have a Advanced assembly License.