This won't be a surprise to anybody here- I received the motor over the weekend and hooked it to my 277 volt outlet- it spins the correct way! Hooray for air movement! It's getting a half hour test at each speed before I install it. I don't want any surprises this time.
Got a notice early this morning that this motor is being shipped and will be here by Friday. Thought that was odd as there was no invoice. Did they really have to do a warranty repair? Yes they did- just got the invoice about the motor- it's marked as "warranty repair". Looks like...
Thanks for the response. It's not the shaded pole type so hopefully they will find the starting winding reversed.
Their work is so iffy I had to put in a 277 volt outlet (L7-20) in the maintenance shop so I can do a test hook up on everything before I install it.
Greetings- this is my first post. Hoping that this forum is more helpful than some others.
Short history- I've been interested in electronics since I was little, went to school for TV and engineering, landed a TV station job and moved up to maintenance engineer and satellite truck operator...