Hey guys... seems simple enough to me... but which one of the following situations should have more flow.
The main header is 700kPa water. would the (A) 2" hose or the combined (B) 2 x 3/4" hoses have more flow
A) 8" Header... reduced to 6"pipe..... with a 1" tap which has a 2" hose connected...
Both high and low expansion foam. It's a chemical building with various tanks settlers and mixers.
high expansion will be used for ground floor and operations where low is for any trenches and inside the tanks.
Thanks guys.. Looking into a few details with it now.
It is not currently installed yet, the building is still under construction.
One of the ideas we have thrown around (still haven't done the research yet) is once line is finished, to first test out the sprinkler system with water to verify...
Just wondering what are some possible ways we can go about testing our foam fire protection system without filling the entire building with foam. Or is this the only way?
Absolutley I understand. Switching over doucument managment systems and currently have thousands of drawings somewhere in the abyss waiting to get processed by doc control. Currently trying to get my hands on the appropriate iso's, etc.
Its a process water line, running water from the storage...
Hello all, I am new on this fourm. I have a question, which I believe is not overly difficult but I am unsure how to approach.
I have a tank filled with water on top of the hill, and will be running water down the hill in HDPE pipe via gravity. How would I go about determining the max pressure...