More than likely you will have to design some dunnage for underneath the crane to spread out the load so as to not fail the slab on grade. ie) timber , or timber with steel plate
Try creating an image from the PDF by using save as and select .png extension for example, then insert the image into model space, scale appropriately then use image clip to show just a portion of it, Good luck,
By default, lineweights are all equal set at 0.25mm or 0.010", you then set a different lineweight based on your preference, what I do, which may not necessarily be the best way, is pick a color and set the lineweight for that color in Pen Settings. Good luck
I modeled the cable in-context, what I have is a crane assembly, the cable attaches the boom straps to the gantry on the body of the crane. I have a set of 6 sheaves at each location, what I did was create 2 sketches, a circular profile (to be the cable) and a path the cable must follow, I then...
I'm looking to add an In-place mate to a cable which I need to stretch like an elastic to conform to the various stages the objects will be in, The cable wraps around 2 - cylinders, one at each end, the cylinders distance btw each other varies, but the cable connecting the two...
Are you recreating this template on each use, if so you are doing way too much work, once you have done it once save it as a template, maybe start with the xref border, insert the titleblock attribute, import or create appropriate layers and dimstyles, then you can save as .dwg template...