Would there be any way of finding out roughly how much water per unit time would pass through the turbine/reverse pump? It wouldnt seem right to have say half of the water flow being diverted constantly, as the turbine can only pass half the flowrate? But obviously, again if the turbine is too...
(The 10 L/s was a made up number as i didnt have the real figures on me, but just wanted to use it for ease of understanding :) )
As the drainage is constant at 10 L/s, how would i then ensure that once the pipe is backed up and full of water, that it does not overflor/backflow? If you get what...
The reason i'm asking is that i'm trying to work out whether its worthwhile adding a turbine to a drainage pipe in which used cooling water will be travelling down from a height of around 30 meters.
The only issue is that the diameter of the drainage pipe is very large, thus the pipe is not...
Had this posted in different forum, think this is more appropriate.
I keep confusing myself on this question, basically i want to know how you would determine the amount of potential energy you could capture by using a turbine, if water is flowing down a pipe into a river.
The change in...
Thanks for the reply!
I understand what you are saying, but i dont understand why it would not work? Surely, if water is flowing down an elevation of 30m along a pipe, full or not, it still has the static head of 30m?
Im just not fully grasping the concepts here, as most calculations i have...
I keep confusing myself on this question, basically i want to know how you would determine the amount of potential energy you could capture by using a turbine, if water is flowing down a pipe into a river.
The change in elevation from the start to end of pipe is 30 meters.
The pipe is 100...