Hi all,
I would like to know if the elastic deflection equation for transverse bending loadings : dy^2/dx^2=Mf(x)/EI is valid for any beam dimensions.
The Beer Handbook Mechanics of Materials says it is valid for any cross section. However, is it valid for thin-walled beams? Dimensions like L=1...
Hi TGS4,
Thanks for your reply
No, actually stresses both by Von Mises and Normal stresses criteria are not passing yield. My concern is if the geometry by itself suffers non-linearity due to buckling. If I do a non-linear analysis in ANSYS it does not say "MAX PLASTIC STRAIN STEP", even in...
Thanks for the reply,
I am attaching pictures of the results in both cases. My question is: Shall I do a non-linear analysis or linear analysis? Which results are correct? By which analysis the results are closer to an experimental test, if it is done in the same conditions?
The files...
Hi All,
I am an entry level engineer, and I am doing FEM analysis in the company I work in. I am analyzing rectangular tubes in static analysis. I am doing a linear analysis, with linear material properties. However, if I do a non-linear analysis, the results are quite different. The...