Thanks for all the helpful advice. I refunded the client's deposit and ran from the job as suggested. I've had a bad feeling about it all along and should've acted upon it earlier. Seeing your comments was enough to secure my decision. Thanks for the input.
I am working on drainage project for a condominium complex that parallels the edge of 100' almost vertical bluff. The edge of the porches are only 20-30' away from the bluff. In between the bluff and the porches is a lawn area. To try and help slow down the rate of erosion, they want to control...
I am performing a HEC-RAS analysis where I am using flows for the 10, 50, & 100 year events from an old FEMA study. I also need the 2 & 25 year Q's though. Does anyone know of a way to estimate them from the known Q's? Besides using a standard method (ie SCS, Regional) to recalculate them.