hello everybody,
i have a problem by using connector elements in a basically very simple situation in abaqus standard. I try to model the damage or failure of this translational connector element at a certain load level of 1000kN. bevor the system reaches this load level should the element be...
does anyone know how to define a initial pressure for the application of the contact between two bodies. my problem is that i use two interacting surfaces which should interact in terms of friction. i try to model the adhesive compound effect more exactly and therefor do i need an initial...
iam modelling a concrete filled steel tube and try to adjust the friction in abaqus. does anyone know if the *friction option especially the coloumb friction law in abaqus calculates the pressure (for tau=pressure*mue) or is the only way for using coloumb friction to enter a constant...
is there an otion in the input dat file in ABAQUS to take the integer value from an equation.
i try to parameterize an file and have the problem that the value for my element density or mesh doesnt have an integer value. i want to round this value up or down and take it as an integer...