I think the answer that your looking for is that the distribution of most probable max wave height is one of the extreme value EV (fisher-tippet distributions). The gumbel distribution is one of them and a good place to start since its easy to manipulate mathematically. Basically, you use the...
This may be stating the obvious but if you have corrosion and know something about the operating history of the vessel then you should be able to assess the corrosion rate by taking measurements in the tanks. Do this at several locations and this will give you an idea about the 'general'...
Does anyone know of a model that allows prediction of corrosion rates for carbon steel in deoxygenated seawater service. I have a system that recduces the O2 content to around 5ppb but know that maintenance and process upsets can cause O2 exursions up to 8ppm and more.
The model must therefore...