I am wondering if anyone can help me in answring the following question:
what is the advantage and disadvantage of a vertical and horizontal mist eliminator installed in a vertical separator?
you can find information on the kientics of Methanol sysnthesis in Ullman's Encyclopeida of industrial chemistry, you also can find more information in "Catalyst Handbook for Twigg"
I dont recommend using Hysys for Methanol simualtion because it doesn't give accurate results, try to use...
I have another question to the chemical engineers here.
it is regarding the same distillation columns, which is better using the 2nd and 3rd distillation column in series, or dividing the flow to 2 distillation columns and operating one of them at high pressure to take advantage of the heat.
Thanks for all who answered me,
Actually when I posted my question I also was thinking why in a 2 column system I can't increase the pressure in the first column and use the heat from the 1st column condenser in the 2nd column reboiler.
anyhow I found the answers to all of my questions...
Thats why in my question I mentioned Methanol Synthesis.
For sure I can't generlize what I said of having three columns are more econmical. It is just in methanol synthesis.
The following link talks about having three distillation columns in series rather than two for large methanol plants.
Hi All,
I have a small question regarding Distillation Column.
Why is 3 distillation column design (for methanol water system) is more energy savings than 2 distillation column design.