If you want to cut through the sales hype and get to the truth, then employ a scientific approach and install kWh meters on at least two identical units. That way, you will have something more than a quick amp reading or utility bill for the whole building to compare against.
Ever wonder how those Polarized Refrigerant Oil Additive (PROA) (Frigaid, Proactq, etc;) salesmen “prove” that using their product produces a 20%, 30% or even 40% energy savings? --Let’s look at their math and see how it’s done:
The typical PROA sales approach is to get the potential...
In the fall of 1998, we ran a test to evaluate a PROA named Frigaid at our hospital.
We chose two identical, 5 year old, 3/4 hp, walk-in cooler refrigeration units and installed two new kw meters on the condensing units. We then monitored both for 20 days, installed Frigaid in one, waited a...