I am designing a part, in accordance with ASME B31.1, for 900 psig & 900°F, in 316 stainless. I wish to use a 3/4" forged flange (A 182). Table 2-2.3 in ASME 16.5, for 316-L grade, only goes up to 850°F, even though Table A-3 in B31.1 appears to allow this material to be used at higher...
This depends on the accuracy you require. Some general or ‘typical’ heat transfer coefficients for water/ethylene glycol or water/propylene glycol are available in manufacturers literature. This will give you a ballpark estimate of the surface area required. Many other factors such as...
I have encountered a unit of pressure labeled 'ata'. I was inclined to think this was atmospheres absolute but the numbers do not seem to work out. Any input would be appreciated.