The only source of information I know that has anything useful on this type of problem:
Extended Surface Heat Transfer by Allan D. Kraus, James Welty, Abdul Aziz.
This is a real good book. However, for anything outside the really simply problems (and the authors do warn you about it) the...
Go to :
Look for Standard Heat Exchangers.
Go to the download section and download “series 6500 brazed aluminum H/X”
Your question may seem simple, but the answer is complex.
To give you any decent answer you would need to specify at the very least the following:
Fluids involved.
Inlet conditions (pressure & temperature) of both fluids.
Mass flow of both fluids.
It would be nice to know if you had any...
Building a heat exchanger to the current specification is no big deal.
I Suggest you use a fin plate heat exchanger.
You can find many manufacturers on the web.
If you need more help, contact me directly
They have a commercial available code for sale (and i guess it is not cheap), however, I never worked with it so I can not recommend it.
For a complete design of a heat exchanger your best bet would be to contact one of the heat exchangers manufacturing companies and...