pls could someone help me to a link or an online course where i can read up how bending moment and shear force recovery from nodal displacements in timoshenko beam finite element. thanks
i live in nigeria and can't find that book in the market. pls could you assist with any helpful link on the web? i've actually written a program to calculate stresses in the wall and i need to compare this with either model test results or analytical/ classical methods. thanks
pls can anyone help with the analysis{FEM, ANALYTICAL MODEL & TEST) and results from the stress analysis of a wall structure supporting longitudinal beams of a bridge.
how do i obtain the equivalent nodal loads for a linear strain triangle when the udl is positioned bw the 1st and 2nd nodes? that is it does not start from the 1st node and it does not extend up to the 2nd node. and two: the lod begins somewhere after the 1st node goes over the middle node but...
working on the analysis of simply supported plates carrying a point load not nessesarry at midspan (using the DKT and MINDLIN plate bending elements) .Having problems with the programming bit of it.i'm looking for a simply c++ program/source code(don't want commercial program) that solves the...