I think CTS disappeared years ago. I've got all the diagnostics which it passes just fine. According to the data i have it emulates a 18"x12" Summagraphics MM series tablet (alias SummaSketch-II Professional, 1812, MM1801).
Sadly the plotter we was originally promised turned out to be a real...
Thanks for the feedback. Getting ACAD 14 working OK on top XP was a breeze. The next step is to sort out drivers etc. for the graphics tablet. Any suggestions?
Now looking for something to print the first restored drawings with. No need for color. I guess the trustees can find the cash for a...
I'm involved in an impoverished historical society that has a need for CAD. So far I've managed to gather the following items together (at minimal cost) to create a system.
A legit copy of Autocad 14, a Dell Dimension 3000 PC with 256M ram, an HP Designjet 650C HP A0 Plotter and a CTS Telepad A3...
Thanks for the replies. I'm curious, whilst I'm please to hear the command line has stayed pretty much the same, is there still any support for tablets?
I'm about to return to AutoCad use after a gap of several years. My last regular use was ACAD12 for DOS. Can someone give be some idea of what's changed. I used a twin screen setup with Tablet/Digitizer along with pen plotters.