Does anybody know Whether NX 10 support visual studio 2013? It mentions .NET 4.5 Framework in the product notes.
I only have visual studio 2013 but it fails to create a NXopen project. I am wandering is it the compatibility problem or something i have done wrong about the setup procedure.
I look into the help file for thickness ratio of the mid-surface function.
It says "...the software divides the smallest characteristic length of a face (D) by the maximum local thickness (T) between the two faces to be paired..."
However, this is no instructions about what is the characteristic...
Thanks guys.
John's explanation about how it works internally makes sense.
I understand using one sheet body to split the body will result in non-manifold model which is not supported in NX CAD.
However, I still think it should be possible to work in the model i offered using the two sheet...
I have a problem with the splitting body operation in NX 9.0.
I try to split a simple body with two faces, but fails.
Same result happens using Catia.
Can anyone understand why this happens?http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=999362b6-c011-4e41-a0d7-f3effc5f5a31&file=Picture1.png
Hi Rob,
I recently read an old book about FEA.
There is a section about selecting elements.
The original words are: "Other more code dependent reasons to choose against the defaults are when an axisymmetric model cannot support anything but triangles or a nonlinear solution cannot...
Hi Guys,
I don't know too much about analysis.
I have some questions about nonlinear analysis.
1. what kind of elements are available in Ansys or Abaqus(linear hex, second order hex, second order tet)?
2. what kind of elements are available in Ls-Dyna?
3. why some people prefer to use linear...
Hi Guys,
I don't know too much about analysis.
I have some questions about nonlinear analysis.
1. what kind of elements are available in Ansys or Abaqus(linear hex, second order hex, second order tet)?
2. what kind of elements are available in Ls-Dyna?
3. why some people prefer to use linear...
Hi FranKSwinks,
Thank you.
I have tried it, but the feature you get from "fitCurveBuilder.CommitFeature()" is still "null".
I never met this kind of problem before.
I have tried several situations and all got the same result.
A simple test:
if (fitCurveBuilder1.Commit() == null)
Then you do get "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa".
But there is a fit curve feature created in the feature tree.
I just find an interesting thing.
I record the fitting curve process using c#.
The final part of the code is like below.
NXObject nXObject7;
nXObject7 = fitCurveBuilder1.Commit();
If you run the code, you get a fit curve feature in the feature tree.
But unlike other...
Hi guys,
I find there are some functions like "UF_BREP_ask_topology" in the brep.h file. However,when i use c#, i cannot find these method?http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=bc2651cc-7a82-471d-bfe0-61a82242b641&file=QQ??20140411144250.jpg...
Hi Guys,
I just have two simple questions.
First, in NXOpen, there is a class named Sc Collector. Does the 'Sc' means selection?
Second, if i have a rectangular face with a hole in the middle (totally 5 edges ), how to get two loops of edges with one loop lists the outer four edges and the...
Thank you John.
Yes, when you select not join curve when projecting, it allow you to divide the face. It is interesting that even the closed spline has sharp corner, you can still use "Normal to Curve Plane" or specify a vector, but you just can not use "Normal to face". Hope this can be...
Hi John,
I have built a simply model that show the same problem. I attached the part file and a picture. The model just contains two block.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=9b18fd36-0cfa-44f2-91a9-6c16f80887f8&file=Screen_clipping_taken_24022014_1941.pdf