I'm trying to determine if there is any difference in efficiences for a worm gear box used in a hoist system.
Details are as follows:
A hoist is used to lift a gate. The hoist drive train is composed of a 25hp motor, primary reducer (worm gearbox with 1/60 gear ratio) and two...
Good Day to you sir! Newbie inventor user here.
Would anyone know how to assign a 3d coordinate in space, and have it linked directly to a excel spreadsheet - so updates/changes to the excel can be reflected in the points? (key idea is linked to the excel sheet)
The situation is like this:
Thanks so much for your comments and list of documents, much appreciated. I've managed track many of them down and have some of in house.
I also found the following thread that had some suggestions (many of the same)...
I'm looking into the design of large diameter branch (59")off a 120" penstock with an internal pressure of 50psi. I'm having trouble finding a suitable guide for calculating the stresses at the branch/penstock interface.
We are planning to use do some FEA but I would like something to...