I am trying to design an oxygenate injection system to the existing gaasoline tanks. up to know we did not have ant oxygenate injection (blending) system in our plant. I would appreciate your valuable experience based ideas about this injection(blending) system especially the injection pump...
The effective design of the bund(s) is either to contain the 125% volume of the tank or if the tank is too large (1 million bbl per tank in my ex facility) to provide sufficient bund wall height to balance the oil in the tank and bund. The cooling water the application will be low 2lt/m2/s of...
First select you U value and make your calculations for the exchanger untill you end up with the velocity on the shell and tube side. If the velocity you end up is withi the limits the starting U is fine else revise the U untill getting the right velocity (stay between 1,5 to 3 m/s)
Assuming that your tanks are fixed roof, nitrogen blanketing will help you to reduce your operational losses. Foam protection and shell cooling is the code requirement for such tanks. For the foam applications you can refer to NFPA 11A and NFPA 13 will help you for the shell cooling sprinkler...