For several years, I have used the HP (now Agilent) 34970A datalogger with a 34901A card to monitor temperatures. It connects to a pc/laptop. I am not an instrumentation guy, but it took little time to load the software that comes with it, and configure the graphical output to be useable...
I have a somewhat similar aplication. Is the part with the thermocouple attached conductive? If so, is it possible to ground the part at a location other than at the thermocouple itself? This could ground the tc but maybe get away from the pain of replacing the tc you mentioned...
I have an application where we clean a tfe lined, s.s. braided, heated hose, daily with solvent to remove our process material (catalyzed epoxy). The solvents that do the job without "side effects" are either on the EPA list of ozone depleaters, or are said to soon be in the next few years...
Thanks ScottMc,
My shaft rpm is 60 hz, or about 3600. My oil viscosity varies by application (temperature). Viscosity is usually fairly low at operating temperatures(poors easily). Do you know if this type of pump is used exclusively in the auto. industry? Any sources?
Recently, my boss replaced the electric fuel pump in his '89 corvette. He dismantled the old pump and brought pieces to work. It appears to consist of two stages. The first stage is a fixed straight vane pump (plastic).
The second stage (this is the part I need more info on)is metalic...
The equipment is placed in the same relative position each day, but we have several sizes, metallurgies, and surface finishes. It makes the use of infrared sensors less desirable compared to tc's. We use band clamps to attach the tc's to the equipment (equipment is round). We measure...
Our application requires temperature measurement and logging, on up to 24 separate products simultaneously, for up to 12 hours. We currently use thermocouples wired to a name brand data logger/software/pc arrangement. The system works well and easily meets our technical requirements. Our...