I been asked to write a scientific paper about my last process control application for implementing online heat exchanger efficiency calculation for each heat exchanger in Crude distillation unit in Invensys DCS system graphic displays, the efficiency value will be updated every 1 minute and...
Thank you Siretb,
one more question , is the following equation is the right equation to calculate the Specific heat (Cp) for any oil product ?
Cp = {0.388 +0.00045 * T (F) }/(Sp Gr )^.5
If it is the right equation to calculate Cp which is part of calculating the heat exchanger efficiency ...
TD2K.......thank you for your interest to help, there is a big difference between the flow rate of crude and kerosene, therfore,I did the calculations as per 25362 equation, please I need your feedback on the following results :
Heat Exchanger (E-3AB) in 80GD12...
I mean can I calculate the Heat Exchanger efficiancy in % ?
can I use the difference between the temperature in tube and shell side following equ. for calculating the Efficiancey :
Efficiency = (Tout-Tin)for shell /(Tout-Tin) for tube