First it depends on the objective of your research. But normaly we determine the material texture first by X-Ray to get a global texture before using EBSD to get a local texture.
Globally, X-Ray diffraction is for global texture determination and EBSD is to have a microstructure-texture...
I agree 100% with you and therefore I need to know more about the Jaffe-Hollomon because I deal with aged hardenable copper alloys.
I am really interested to the equation given by VeryPicky because it takes into account the heating and cooling time.
In continuation from Thread794-92824, I would like to know more about Jaffe-Hollomon parameter.
Does it exist: a similar equation for coppers and its alloys as the one that Verypicky gave (see below)?
VeryPicky, could you give me the reference of this equation?
I need it because I am converting...
If it is because of material texture, sometimes we need to do cross rolling to break the strong texture of the material.
Texture correspond to orientation of grains in polycrystal material.
Simple example, in strongly textured Al sheet (for ex. 80% of grains are oriented with their (100) axis...