See if this makes any sense?:
The four blades on the NEMA L-14 would be red, black, yellow & white, representing 240, 240, 120 & common/gound respectively. If I ran the wires through a box, or made an "adaptor," the red, black & white (common) could plug into the 240 outlet on the...
Thanks for your thoughts. For better or worse, I've already wired a separate panel in the house with a separate switch to disconnect from the grid and connect to backup power. In the past (at the old house) I was able to use the generator fine to handle specified outlets in certain rooms, etc...
I've got an old Coleman 5K (6250 surge) backup generator with with two 120 outlets (double-blade & ground) and two 240 outlets (same but one blade turned 90 degrees.)
My electrician say I can't use it in my new house. I need 240 for my well pump, and 120 for the rest of the house.