The inputs we received were helpful. Along the way I made another stab at finding the topic on the A-B website (their "knowledgebase") and got an exact match. I must have been lucky! I found an advisory that contained a good description of the re-forming process and why it is necessary. I also...
We have continuous DC power supplies in our test area, where the drive will be used. Do we just apply the DC voltage to the DC buss, and if so, should we disconnect any components or pull any fuses?
We have an A-B 1336 Plus II VFD that we have stored for about 2-3 years. Drive is rated at 150HP and has never been powered up. I have been cautioned about applying full line voltage to the drive, rather to apply a lower voltage and slowly increase the value. A Yaskawa FAQ article refers to...
I have seen and have in pdf file format a 1993 GE Selection and Application Guide that covers varying motor duty cycles. They suggest an RMS HP calculation. Of course you'd want to consider the worst case torque required to start.