So far, sticking the config file in the login directory seems to be working without a hitch. There are still mapkeys that don't always work, but that's expected. Thanks for all the help!
One additional problem I've discovered is that Wildfire 2 can't open files that have been modified in...
Thanks Jeff, that was exactly what I was looking for--a config location that can be shared with all versions of Wildfire, but that isn't the startup directory.
For anyone else who's wondering, the login directory for my computer (which has more or less default settings) is the directory that...
Thanks for the responses so far. I think the login directory is only for Unix, and I use Windows. Not a change I'm willing to make just to solve this problem.
It sounds like whatever my solution, I might have a problem with WF2 and WF4 reading the same That's not terrible since I...
I find myself using different versions of Pro/E (Wildfire 2, Wildfire 3, and Wildfire 4), and I'd like to use the same for all of them. I know I could just put it in the startup directory, but is there any way to have all versions reference the same text folder?