In my FEM program there is a term named as 'equivalent von mises stress' but the result of that is different from 'von mises stress'.What is the differance between them.
I am a user of MSC Mentat.In one of my post processing operation i have realized that the values obtained by theorotical 'von misses' formulas doesn't match with the marc result named as 'equivalent von misses' however this theorotically calculated value is exactly same as the marc result named...
I wonder that the phisical meaning of the equivalent von misses stress.e.g
When i have designed some mechanical part in FEM, i found the equ.von misses stress as 143 Mpa and s11 as 60 MPa.Yield strength of material is 350 Mpa.Am i compare the equ.von misses with the yield strength or not???
I am looking for the standarts about the permissible stresses for earth moving machinery like excavators for different materials.(e.g 1/3 of Sy).Are there any standart about that???