I have now an orphan mesh and a 3D space to wrap my mesh. If I try to do that, the same error occures. Can you help me?
As alternative I tried to transform the coordinates like this:
for coord in mdb.models['Model-1'].parts['Part-1-mesh-1'].nodes:
x = coord.coordinates[0])
y =...
That should work. Thanks for the answer. The Problem is, that "This operation connot be applied to a part that contains geometry". I need an orphan mesh, right? But how can I convert a 3D Solid or a 2D Shell to a working mesh?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Hello, everyone,
i am currently in a project where i have to bring a 3D surface (body with very small thickness) with a certain pattern into a tubular structure. All my attempts have failed.The point is to rotate the created surface around a coordinate axis to get the cylindrical structure. It...