as an update on the above
the module that i am using for synch is Deepsea 7560 and by contacting the vendor i had found that it doesnot include vector compensation function , so i will be upgrading to a newer version DSE8660
by comminucating with othe rvendors , i had also found that...
thanks a lot for your replies
Scotty: iam checking for teh interposing transformer solution , would that to be additional to the sensing PT(i.e in series to it)?
i am having a project with back synchronization with utility.
when utility returns we should get sensing from PTs before and after utility incoming breaker (6.6 KV) synchronize the genset with the sensed utility voltage then send the breaker (6.6 KV) closing comand.
now my problem is...
iam trying to look for information about switched capacitor filters (for power applications)
subject is still under research so there isnot alot of information on net
can somebody help