In NX1899, I've realised that if you export a STEP file (.STP) where there previously was one, automatic naming versions the file up adding a suffix of "_n". Thus effectively avoiding overwriting the previous version.
Prior to Continuous Release, there was a warning dialog where you...
Just a quick update to let you know that I stumbled upon the solution of this problem.
It turns out that the Customer Defaults only has a checkbox to enable or disable "High Precision Rotation" but there is actually a value for this variable.
I found a (commented out) variable on...
I am also experiencing very slow rotation since upgrading to NX10. "High Precision Rotation" is OFF.
I do have a SpaceNavigator but I don't use it all of the time on my portable system.
Holding CTRL to zoom in/out works fine though (same as I had in NX9), so I guess I'm fine at mouse...
Thank you Jerry,
"Part history" lists the save times for one part, and that is not in correlation of how much you worked on that part. Maybe you do a Save All from time to time, but you work mostly on one part. Granted: an unmodified part will not be saved.
It does give you a pretty good idea...
I normally bill clients on a time and materials basis.
As I work alone, I manually fill a timesheet for each project and this requires the discipline to do it as regularly as possible, in order to not forget what I was doing on each time slot.
In order to be more accurate (and relaxed :-)...
I need to deliver my native NX9 files to a client. I mean a collection of files so that someone else can open an assembly part file and can work further on my assembly with all the feature data.
Now, I don't use Teamcenter and we are talking about 280 components saved in different folders...
Hi Anthony,
I renamed the 9.0 key, restarted the PC and NX, and checked some of the dialog windows. They show up with the same "wrong" standard sizes as before. The software recreated the 9.0 key on the registry with some of the subkeys.
So I deleted this new one and re-renamed the old one to...
Thank you very much for the idea, Anthony
But I don't think it is practical, since I am not looking for one thing, but almost everything.
I can't manually redesign every dialog window, also because it almost certainly will be broken every MR, MP or new NX version.
I think that somewhere NX...
On NX9:
Double-click on the view boundary, or on the view name on the Part Navigator
You should see the Settings dialog. On the left pane you'll see Angle and if you click it you should be able to set -30 which will straighten your view
Almost no standard dialog window shows up in a usable size for me.
For example, see the attached screenshot for an example of how my Customer Defaults windows is rendered per default.
I have to ALWAYS drag boundaries and column widths if I want to work comfortably... Not nice...
Oh hallelujah!
You know, I searched (again) before posting: "PDF naming".
I guess this setting should show up when the defaults are searched (binoculars) by the query "PDF"
Anyways, thanks!
Hi all,
NX is preset to add the username of the logged in user as a prefix to the suggested name when you perform a PDF output.
I'd like to change remove the username prefix to leave only "filename.pdf"
I can't for the life of me find where. Strangely, it is not in Customer Defaults > Gateway >...
Thanks John for the quick reply.
I knew that... But every assembly or subassembly coming from NX8.5 opens in NX9 with intial sorting of their components by default in chronological order.
Once changed manually this preference is saved with the file, but I was just asking how to set this default...
Hi all,
I just migrated to NX 9.0.2
Where do you change the default sorting order for the Assembly Navigator?
All my assemblies display in Chronological Order now, which I think did not exist (used to be Alphabetic or Alphanumeric, don't remember, but I was used to this)
Can't find it in...