McDowra above said " When you pull the injector out some fuel and oil runs down into the cylinder, really not a problem you just vacuum it out. Now if you don't you will have a hydraulic lock and something has to give be it a part of the valvetrain or the connecting rod. Remember nothing just...
I got the International(Navistar) factory rep involved in this a few days ago after calling their customer service number and reporting what had happened. The gave me an incident number and said a factory rep will get back to me.
The factory rep from Navistar called me yesterday...
Thank you all for your professional reviews. I will decide over this weekend whether to bear this cost or to go to court. Over a period of six weeks, that truck was in the dealership three times for PM, 2 injectors replacement, a throttle failure (no power) which warranted replacing the entire...
The part that broke inside the engine is called a Cam follower retainer. I could not post the picture in here - it would not allow a copy and paste.
Here is a sumaary of the report from the Service manager.
The engine has #3 piston and cylinder failure. We inspected the engine. We removed the...
I am not sure if it is called a valve rotator, but it seems close. I will have to confirm and repost to this on Tuesday after they return back to work. According to the service manager, that part opens up the outlet to the exhaust. Once broken, there was no way to let out the heat from the...
Thank you Catserveng for your response. I will answer your questions to the best of my ability. I also want to sate that this engine is just about 200,000 miles and does only local deliveries, not inter-state.
1. What internal engine part failed and caused the "knock"?
I asked the service...
Hi Guys,
I took my International truck with a DT4900 Engine to the dealership last month bacause of a check engine Light. 2 injectors were replaced. Last week Wednesday morning(5/16/07), the truck won't start. We towed it to the dealership. They said there was no engine oil in it. It was all...