Could anyone help me define a single point spectrum (acc Vs Period) after performing a modal analysis?
Do I have to use load step options?
Although I 'read the manual and the examples I steel can't manage.
Do I have to apply the spectrum at boundary conditions?
Thanks Cbrn,
You are right, some simple things are very well hidden with no reason.
By the time, after performing a modal analysis and try to apply an acceleration vs period SP spectrum i get no results.
Could you write (if you have used it) in single steps in GUI command just the procedure...
Could anyone help me how after performing a reduced method modal analysis we can see results such as participation factors and mass distribution percentages for each mode extracted in GUI steps?
Could anyone advice me which coupled sets should be used in fluid80 elements contained in a cylindrical tank?
Except coincident nodes in the perimeter between tank shell and fluid perimeter what else coupled set should be used?
I set coincident nodes between fluid perimeter and tank shell and coupled set in uz direction of fluid volume(inculing perimeter) and it worked.
Results seems logical in gravity effect...but performing modal analysis a lot of work has to be done.
Yes, I 've simulate gravity effect in positive direction and got no correct results. Beside coincident nodes between shell perimeter and fluid perimeter should i try something else eg any kind of coulped set?
I think I 'll give up and simulate liquid with solid45 elements
the only load is ACC 1g downwards (z-), but nodes in fluid perimeter move and upwards(z+)!
I really can't find out what it is happening.What else should I try?
Material model for fluid has
Thanks Wecos.
I have model a tank with shell elements and the internal fluid with fluid80.
1. I have rotate CS to cylindrical.
2. I have the same mesh in tank perimeter. Also coincident nodes in Ux direction. (Uz=vertical)
3. Fluid at the bottom has Ux=Uy=Uz=0.
BUT nodes of fluid in...
Thanks Wecos
I thought it could be more complex.
Have you got any idea about the parameter "location of gravity spring" in fluid80 control?
Should we use "all side all elem" or "ele faces at Z=0?
is there any great difference between these two?
I would like your help with this:
I wan't to simulate a water filled tank in seismic responce.
1. I read in a paper that solid45 element was chosen over fluid80 element using fluid element properties as:
E=B[3(1-2?)] where bulk modulus of water is 300000lbf/in2 and ?=0.4999.
So it...