Your inquiry has been received. The committee is currently looking into this matter and as soon as an official correction to the issue is made, I will make it available to you.
Just found this:
If you hit the "search this committee" button you can see:
09-1917 B16.34 - Material A 351 Gr. CF3M Out for Stds Comm Blt
Apparently it is officially accepted as an inquiry. Too bad...
It does take some time to get a response that much is true. However 6 to 12 months is a bit longer than I'm used to.
We've decided to stick to the 2004 version for CF3M material. How do you cope with this?
So does this mean the material goes back to its original group?
I just sent out an email to ASME concerning this issue. If I get a reply I will inform you.
I noticed the same thing last week and came across this thread today.
Has this issue been resolved?
Definitely worth submitting an interpretation request.