This is the Spanish context:
Existe gran cantidad de variaciones de bombas de inducción(...)
En la bomba FLIP, el conducto de la bomba es un tubo con un diámetro inferior, como si estuviera estirado, el cual pasa a través del espacio existente entre dos estatores. La acción de bombeo está...
Hi! We are Spanishh-English translator and we have to translate a handbook about Water Pumps.
We really don't understand what the author wants to say with Flip Pump. We've been searching on the Internet but we haven't found anything.
Could anyone help us?
Thank you very much indeed!
We are Spanish-English translators and we have to translate a handbook about water pumps.
We don't know exactly how an ejector operates in a Venturi pump.
Could anyone help us?
Thank you very much indeed!